Posted on: June 21st 2024

Chess Champions at CHS

CHESS v Midhurst BL and Seaford 21.06 (11)On a fantastic Friday, June 21st, thirteen chess champions from Chichester High School came together to defend the 'Castle of Learning' against Seaford College and Midhurst Rother. Unfortunately, Bishop Luffa didn't show up for the battle. But our incredible team of 10 men and 3 ladies, including students from CHS, Seaford, and Midhurst Rother, formed a new team called Team Almagam, led by Raemiel. The day was filled with excitement as 32 chess players went head-to-head in six games each, with Vinuda emerging as the only unbeaten player.

There were moments of joy, like when Andzela won her first victory, and tears from Kyle when he made a blunder. We all celebrated Jacob when he ended his losing streak, and even Andrei joined in with an excellent chess finish.

In the end, our amazing team from Chichester High School triumphed, with Seaford College coming in second and Midhurst Rother in third.

Team Almagam provided incredible support throughout the day.

Mr Matthews - Science teacher and Chess Lead at CHS


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A king and his pawns

My fate is a chess board
Complete with a king and pawns
64 squares but to me
they seem like walls
At least pawns can grow
They shape their own destiny
I’m Stuck in this game
it will be the death of me
I have no rook to castle
No shield to defend
I watched my queens end
My knights off their horse
I saw god but no bishops
Stuck in a world cut black and white
I’m at the end of life
My board is a wreck
I’ve been put in check


Congratulations to Vinuda Gunatilake, Kyall Guy, Kiane Arafth, Raemiel Ramirez, Karan Reeju, Hector Lewis Bayer, Thomas Carruthers, Jacob S, Andrei Sandu, Fraiser Harley, Lewis Guy, Andzela Dinic, Lucy Savill



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