Posted on: July 16th 2024

Transition to Year 7

Robert wardDear Year 7, 

I want to take this opportunity to wish you a restful summer break before your start at Chichester High School in September.

The staff and I enjoyed meeting you over our transition days, and have lots of fun activities planned for your first day. They are designed to help you settle into life here at CHS.

Although summer seems elusive this year, make sure you get plenty of time outside and enjoy the longer days.

Some of you may want to do a practice run to school with parents/carers or friends. You will need to make sure you have your pencil case ready to go and uniform smart on the hanger the night before. Routines are vital when preparing for the next chapter. Always leave enough time for breakfast in the morning.

We are looking forward to seeing you Tuesday 3rd September 2024.

Kindest regards,

Mr Rob Ward

Primary to Secondary



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