Posted on: July 1st 2024

Silver DofE

SILVER DofE July 24 (1)

Over the last weekend of June and into July, ten Year 11 students returned to school to complete the Silver Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) expedition in the New Forest. The students walked for three days, approximately six and a half hours each day, across the New Forest, covering areas such as the Canadian War Memorial, Bolderwood Deer Sanctuary, Portuguese Fireplace, and Reptile Centre, and passing through the towns of Brockenhurst and Beaulieu along the way.

While camping each night in a different location, they needed to be self-sufficient throughout the journey. Despite the grey, cold July days, the students persevered with smiles on their faces and worked hard to keep to the route, despite several route changes due to work in the forest and several closed paths.

SILVER DofE July 24 (2)During the expedition, it was Alfie's 16th birthday, which called for a celebration with cake on the route.

For many of the students, the expedition marked the last stage of the Silver award, which required them to complete six months of volunteering in charity shops and animal centres. Sam completed his volunteering at the RNLI, giving tours of the boat and small station at Selsey over different weekends. He aspires to one day become the Coxswain of such a boat - Good Luck, Sam!

The students also completed six and three months of physical activities and skills to fulfil the award.




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