Posted on: June 24th 2024

Bronze DofE expedition

DofE June24 (3)Last weekend, on the 22nd and 23rd of June, 22 students successfully completed their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Qualifying Expedition.

The expedition required the students to walk for approximately 6 hours each day over the course of two days.

They began at Whiteway Cafe on Saturday and walked up to Bignor Hill, passed it, and then took a different route back to Bignor Roman Villa where they camped for the night. The following day, the students took a different route back up to Bignor Hill and then returned to Whiteway Cafe.

Throughout the weekend, the students were responsible for preparing and cooking all of their meals. In order to qualify, the students had to complete several training sessions and weekends where they developed their skills in navigation, camping, and cooking using Trangia stoves.

They also participated in a training weekend earlier in the year, during which they walked with adults on the first day and then had the opportunity to walk unsupervised for the rest of the journey. This allowed them to practice their camping skills, with staff available to answer their questions in the evening. In addition to the expedition, many of the students have been working on the other sections of the DofE award, such as volunteering, developing skills, and physical fitness, over the past year.

This involved carrying out different activities for either three or six months, totalling approximately one hour per week.

The students had a wide range of opportunities, including working in charity shops and animal centres, completing online software courses, learning languages, participating in IBM's IT skills program, taking up a new sport, or helping neighbours.

Congratulations to all the students on their achievements!

It was also a boost to see our Deputy Headteacher, Dr Taylor who came to visit when his was out on his motorbike!

DofE June24 (2)




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