Posted on: June 7th 2024

TKAT Oxford University Day

Our CHS 6th Form students had the privilege of touring @spc_oxford and @univcollegeoxford today.

The students were guided through what the application process looks like for St. Peter’s College, making sure to include clear instructions for the interview and what to write in their UCAS statements.

Current u07.06.24 visit to Oxford Uni 2ndergraduate students also answered questions and showed us that Oxford not only has academic rigor, but it also provides a plethora of Clubs, Societies, and opportunities for any person to thrive in. A tour of the College was also conducted.

With that excitement of finding a place the students could see themselves in, we made the trip from St. Peter’s College over to University College. Here the students learned of the history that is held within Oxford, and saw that, as its students are ever evolving, the buildings and traditions remain strong and present throughout.

07.06.24 visit to Oxford Uni 4



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