Posted on: May 24th 2024

TKAT ACE visit Dell Quay

ACE Art and Photography Trip report by Patsy Challen

On May 24th, our TKAT ACE Tutors took us to The Chichester Marina (Dell Quay) to learn about cyanotype photography. We left the school at around 9:30 AM, and upon arrival, we were shown to the education center to get ourselves situated. Sally Stone was our instructor for the day, and she gave us a presentation on the history of cyanotype photography and its manufacturing process.

Cyanotype photography is a camera-less technique that involves laying an object on paper coated with a solution of iron salts before exposing it to UV light and washing with water to create stunning white and Prussian blue images

After the presCHS TKAT ACE visit Dell Quay May 24 2entation, at around 10:00 AM, we went on a 40-minute walk around the marina. During the walk, we collected plant matter and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Upon our return at 10:40 AM, we had a recap of the presentation before the walk.

Soon after, we received a demonstration on how to create cyanotype pictures and how to make books from a piece of A3 card. The group was then split into two, with group 1 creating the cyanotype pictures while group 2 made the books.

After a break for lunch by the water, the groups swapped activities, with group 1 making the books and group 2 making the cyanotype pictures. We continued these activities for another two hours before we said goodbye and returned to the school.

Patsy said.

"I had a fantastic time on the trip. It was enjoyable for everyone, and we were all very focused and happy.

I'm grateful that I was able to go on this trip because I loved the final product and it was a great way for everyone to relax on the last day of the term.

The weather was lovely, and overall, it was a very enjoyable experience.

I want to express my appreciation to the ACE team for making this trip possible and for giving us this opportunity.

I hope we can do something like this again in the future"



CHS TKAT ACE visit Dell Quay May 24 1





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